Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year 2010!

Happy New Year!

Ah, yes, a new year has begun folks. I like a few things about starting out the new year. and I don't mean this poor guy:

Why do they keep wheeling him out in front of the camera? I know someone thinks it's showing him respect, but let's face it, he couldn't even do the countdown tonight and it was hard to understand him the majority of the time. I think it just made him an object of ridicule, and I jumped right in there and joined the crowd for that. Zombie Dick Clark!! (...sorry....)

This should be an "interesting" year for me. My job is changed, effective January 1st (hey, that's NOW!) In the interest of saving $$, the "higher-ups" have made changes in the hours of smaller post offices to mostly eliminate my job position. Instead of working a few hours a day, 6 days a week, I am officially a "Saturday only" position. To do this, we had to open later, close earlier, and extend our lunch hour to an hour and a half. I'm also "on call" in case I'm needed for someone's sick days or vacation days. Did I mention I hate being "on call"?? Time for a career change, ya think?
So much for customer service. Now those people with jobs in Harrisburg, who already had a lot of trouble making it back in time to pick up their p.o. box mail, will find it virtually impossible to get to the post office during the week. And oh yeah, did I mention they want us to "PUSH" post office box rentals? That'll be a hard sell....

Another New Year's observation, not a resolution. I just want to lose some of the weight I gained ... I really hate myself for packing the pounds back on, especially since I had lost almost 60 pounds a few years back with weight watchers. I never really "felt" thinner...I guess weight loss is more than a physical transformation, it is also a MENTAL transformation, and I did not get those 2 aspects synchronized inside my body. I actually missed my "fat clothes" because they were so
familiar to me, and comfortable. Plus I got tired of people constantly talking about my weight loss, or asking me if I was sick, etc. etc. (Oh yes, some people also brought up the "cancer" comments, so I guess I didn't look all that healthy...) I also didn't like people saying I really looked so different and good. Just touchy, I guess, but I kept thinking "wow, I must've REALLY looked BAD before"..
I don't expect or want to lose 60 pounds again, I think pictures of me at that weight looked kind of sickly anyway. I just don't want to feel like a fatass slob anymore. So I guess I better go back to WW again....maybe.

Here's something I look forward to each new year: filling in my new datebook planner and wall calendar.Yes, it may sound weird, but I've always derived real pleasure out of getting the new year's planner all filled out and ready to go.
Tomorrow I will lay out the old and new calendars and datebooks on the table, and start filling in all the birthdays, anniversarys, etc. and also add my personal stuff that I print from my computer each year. Yes, that's right, I have pages I've made up with family info, work info, addresses, directions, etc., that I edit each year with all the many changes since the previous new year's "fill-in". I print them out and glue them on the blank pages (or useless pages- i.e."maps or gift sizes pages") of my new planner, so I have continuity in my info each year. I even have family pics already uploaded and embedded with my info on these pages. Yes I am anal-retentive about this procedure. I admit it, so it's okay:)

Isn't it pretty, just waiting for me to write stuff :)
(this isn't the actual one, but it'll do as an example)

So Happy New Year! Here is my favorite new year's song
~~by Regina Spektor: "My Dear Acquaintance"

My dear acquaintance, it's so good to know you
For strength of your hand That is loving and giving
And a happy new year With love overflowing
With joy in our hearts For the blessed new year
Raise your glass and we'll have a cheer
For us all who are gathered here
And a happy new year to all that is living
To all that is gentle, kind, and forgiving
Raise your glass and we'll have a cheer
My dear acquaintance, a happy new year
All of those who are hither and yonder
With love in our hearts We grow fonder and fonder
Hail to those who we hold so dear
And hail to those who are gathered here
And a happy new year to all that is living
To all that is gentle, young, and forgiving
Raise your glass and we'll have a cheer
My dear acquaintance, a happy new year
Happy new year!